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Totale oorlogen

De Eerste en Tweede Wereldoorlog zijn de eerste oorlogen in de geschiedenis die je kunt kwalificeren als totale oorlogen.

Albert van der Kaap, Enschede, albert@vanderkaap.org      

Kenmerken van een totale oorlog

Bron: Wikipedia

Een definitie van totale oorlog

'Total war is a war of unlimited scope in which a belligerent engages in a mobilization of all available resources at their disposal, whether human, industrial, agricultural, military, natural, technological, or otherwise, in order to entirely destroy or render beyond use their rival's capacity to continue resistance. The practice of total war has been in use for centuries, but it was only in the middle to late 19th century that total war was identified by scholars as a separate class of warfare. In a total war, there is less and sometimes no differentiation between combatants and non-combatants (civilians) than in other conflicts, as nearly every human resource, civilians and soldiers alike, can be considered to be part of the belligerent effort.'

Bron: Edward Gunn. "The Moral Dilemma of Atomic Warfare", Aegis: The Otterbein College Humanities Journal, Spring 2006, p. 67

Total war consists of:

Filmpje met de toespraak van Goebbels: Wolt ihr den totalen Krieg?


  Totale oorlogen


Copyright:  Albert van der Kaap, 2010